Welcoming Our New Foundation
A foundation dedicated to improving the world through igniting innovation, action, and collaboration among creatives of color.
Upcoming Events
Juneteenth Launch of the BBF
By choosing Juneteenth to inaugurate the Foundation, Brandon Blackwood symbolically aligns his mission with the ongoing fight for liberation, empowerment, and systemic change.
Our Story
As the founder and CEO of Brandon Blackwood New York, Brandon Blackwood recognizes the importance of creating a pipeline for entrepreneurial, professional, and personal success for persons of color, especially creatives. In 2020, Brandon launched the End Systemic Racism (ESR) tote in response to the demand for social and civil rights justice.
Raised in a family which instilled the value that true legacy is one’s service to humanity, Brandon’s vision of the Foundation is to help creatives achieve positive outcomes and persons of color pay it forward by improving the world.